FOOD EARTH BIRTH has assisted school districts, organizations, businesses and families in learning the basics of gardening and stewarding the land.
A grand daughter of sharecroppers who grew up a city girl, Andrea hopes to share the healing magic of working with the soil, learning the science of it all and aiding others in discovering new possibilities in loving the earth.
Garden Consultation
In this 30 min Q&A, find out what it takes to successfully create a home garden considering what you have and where you live.
STEM Garden Activities Box
Home gardening activities that test your soil, teach you how to plant, understand environmental stewardship through a hands-on bee activity and a virtual field trip with a local grower. Each box also includes a fun DIY quick pickling activity and/or herbal sun tea. All activities are supported with clear instructions, a Q&A with a garden educator and a custom, scheduled field trip. COMING SOON
Watch Now: Seeds of Resilience Featuring Andrea Blanton and Khari Diop
Sometimes gardens grow more than just plants. In this episode, Andrea Blanton and Khari Diop discuss how working in the soil cultivates abundance in their lives and love.
a Food Well Alliance presentation